Saturday, July 25, 2009

Prototype [Preview 2]

More than you would expect! As I advanced more into the story of Prototype, role playing the character, Mercer, somewhere in the middle of the story, *HIGHLY CLASSIFIED INFORMATION* Mercer gain two new abilities which is shown in the picture below.

Full armor + some kind of dual-blade ripping weapon

Ok,most games... they are well known with hijacking vehicles. This time, Prototype introduces you another type not called hijacking but skyjacking! So, how to skyjack a helicopter. First, you get yourself in trouble and BLACK-WATCH will call-in strike team. This strike team will bring you helicopters to be skyjacked. While gliding in the air, in the beginning, you are only able to kick down those helis but now, while trying to kick those helis, you'll have option to continue to kick them down or to skyjack one of them.

Red area in the mini map indicates infected area ... Warning! this en't zombie game...

Well,now you don't have towaste your energyto glide in the air. Now you OWNED yourself a heli ... FOR FREE!

Huhu.. reminds me of Mask Rider :D

Signing off,
Alvin Chan.

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